Player Control Actions

The Mindstamp player can be controlled by your application by using window.postMessage events.

The player will listen to the following events:

  • play_player
  • pause_player
  • rewind
  • fast_forward
  • change_time
  • request_screenshot

For example, to ask the player to pause, you can use a postMessage event as follows:

document.getElementById('ms_frame').contentWindow.postMessage({event: "pause_player"}, "*")

If you would like to change the player to the 0:20 mark, you can do so like this:

document.getElementById('ms_frame').contentWindow.postMessage({event: "change_time", time: 20}, "*")

If you would like to set a variable, you can do so like this:

document.getElementById('ms_frame').contentWindow.postMessage({event: "set_variable", variable_name: "somename", variable_value: "somevalue"}, "*")

The Mindstamp player can provide a screenshot at it's current time in Base64 string format:

document.getElementById('ms_frame').contentWindow.postMessage({event: "request_screenshot"}, "*")

Note the Base64 string format means that your application will be responsible for handling the image and saving it to a file if needed.

The rewind and fast_forward events change the video time by 5 seconds if playing and 1 second if the player is paused.


Get in Touch

Need help or want to know more about JavaScript Events for Mindstamp? We're here for you! Contact [email protected] to learn more.