
Send data from Mindstamp to your favorite applications


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Check it out on Zapier!

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an automation tool that allows applications to send information to each other. When integrating with Mindstamp, you can use Zapier to send View, Interaction, and Lead data to your favorite applications.

What is a Zap?

When utilizing Zapier, you will need to create a workflow consisting of an application, a trigger, and an action. This workflow is called a Zap. In other words, a Zap is an automated workflow that specifies when and where data should be sent from and where it should be sent to.

What can Zaps do?

  • Sync Data: Synchronizing Mindstamp interactive video views or interactions with any of the Google Suite, including creating records in Google Sheets.
  • Trigger Emails: Triggering and delivering a personalized email based on how a viewer responds to your interactive video including questions and clicks.
  • Sync files to Dropbox: Creating files in Dropbox to record all viewer behavior in your interactive video in individual viewer reports.
  • Push leads to Microsoft: Creating new leads or contacts from your interactive video in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
  • Integrate with Mailchimp: Adding a lead or prospect to your Mailchimp contact list to add them to a newsletter subscription.
  • Update Trello: Add Support Tickets to Trello when viewers click on an in-video “Need Help?” button and describe the issue they’re experiencing.
  • Create Calendar Events: Create calendar events based on users “Date Response” question answers.
  • Add Contacts to Gmail: Add contacts to Gmail after capturing their lead info in-video.
  • Trigger Twilio SMS: Trigger an SMS communication with Twilio or SMS by Zapier including a custom message, coupon or offer based on how the viewer engages with the video.
  • Create Funnels: Move clients through your sales or marketing funnel after in-video actions have been interacted with.
  • Send Handwritten Notes: Automatically send leads, clients, or viewers a personalized, handwritten note.
  • Multi-Channel Comms: Increase lead quality and enable multi-channel communication.
  • Slack Notifications: Create notifications in Slack when in-video action is taken (ie - “Clicked Buy Now,” “Completed Final Assessment,” etc).
  • Completion Surveys: Send completion surveys after viewers have experienced your interactive video.
  • Share Leads: Send lead information to your existing business apps or relationship managers.
  • Pre-Qualify Buyers: Connect with pre-qualified (based on question answers, button clicks, etc) leads quicker and easier than ever.

Check out these examples and some others in more detail!


Get in Touch

Need help or want to know more about using Zapier with Mindstamp? We're here for you! Contact to learn more.